• ?s=&#;d=https%A%F%Fui avatars.com%Fapi%FGuest%F%Ff%Ffff%F%F
    November 5, 2023 at 8:13 pm

    It’s been great working with Rich to resolve some long standing unresolved hip/back pain. Rich’s high level testing protocols uncovered some specific muscles that were not doing their job and effectively been shut down due to inflammatory …

  • ?s=&#;d=https%A%F%Fui avatars.com%Fapi%FGuest%F%Ff%Ffff%F%F
    November 22, 2023 at 11:20 pm

    After suffering damage to my quad I approached Rich and he has worked with me for the last several months to rebuild strength and stamina. The results have been excellent and Rich has helped me beyond the original injury with great stretch …

  • ?s=&#;d=https%A%F%Fui avatars.com%Fapi%FGuest%F%Ff%Ffff%F%F
    December 20, 2023 at 3:07 am

    I’ve been working with Rich from F4L for the past few weeks. Right from the outset he was a real professional. His sessions tuned for the limitations of 12yrs of wanton neglect, my fault not the kids, are a great balance between movement, …

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