• ?s=&#;d=https%A%F%Fui avatars.com%Fapi%FGuest%F%Ff%Ffff%F%F
    December 10, 2023 at 1:11 am

    It was a real pleasure to take Dina’s classes on how to improve my breathing. I quickly realized, with her guidance, how my breathing was affecting my energy and my sleep. The exercises are easy to do and I saw improvements within a week. …

  • ?s=&#;d=https%A%F%Fui avatars.com%Fapi%FGuest%F%Ff%Ffff%F%F
    January 5, 2024 at 8:03 pm

    I had a session with Dina last month and found it fascinating. The information Dina provided was very informative and gave me a real idea of the things I could be changing in my day to day to better my health. …

  • ?s=&#;d=https%A%F%Fui avatars.com%Fapi%FGuest%F%Ff%Ffff%F%F
    November 2, 2023 at 9:58 am

    The Breathe Clinic began a revolution in my thinking about general health and specific problems and symptoms. It goes to the root of symptoms like nasal congestion and habitual coughing – things that have bothered me for quite some time – …

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