We aim for high ethical and environmental standards within MAPTO Limited and its subsidiaries, collectively known as “MAPTO,” as well as across our supply chain. Both our team members and suppliers are obligated to conduct their operations in an ethical, legal, and professional manner. To ensure this, we require all our suppliers to adhere to our Code of Ethics for Suppliers (“Code”) and to uphold similar high standards throughout their supply chains.
The Code encompasses commitments against corrupt practices and promotes ethical and environmental standards. It is based on statutory requirements and internationally recognized standards outlined in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization Conventions.
Applicable to all suppliers engaged in our global operations, the Code is an integral part of MAPTO’s corporate responsibility approach. Compliance with the Code is mandatory for all suppliers, serving to safeguard the relationship between MAPTO and its suppliers and uphold the expected high standards.
MAPTO’s Ethical Standards:
- We adhere to the highest standards of professional competence and integrity.
- Our purchasing process is fair and equitable to all parties.
- We strive to shield MAPTO personnel from exposure to, or the appearance of, participation in collusive or unethical practices.
- We acknowledge the legitimate interests of all parties and operate our purchasing process in good faith.
- We do not accept or offer gifts, hospitality, or entertainment that might influence business judgment.
- MAPTO personnel refrain from accepting personal gifts or benefits that may affect their judgment within the scope of their employment.
- We only accept hospitality offered in a business context and on a reciprocal basis.
- Business decisions are not influenced by inappropriate means such as gifts, hospitality, or entertainment.
- We are committed to complying with all anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws applicable to our business.
Supplier Commitments Against Corrupt Practices:
- Suppliers must operate with the highest standards of professional competence and integrity.
- Fair and equitable operation is expected in all dealings with MAPTO.
- Protection against exposure to collusive or unethical practices is crucial.
- Recognition of the legitimate interests of all parties and acting in good faith in all dealings with MAPTO.
- Gifts, hospitality, or entertainment should not influence business judgment.
- Workers should not accept gifts or benefits outside the scope of their employment that could impact their judgment.
- Acceptance of hospitality is limited to a business context and offered on a reciprocal basis.
- Business decisions should not be influenced by inappropriate means.
- Compliance with all anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws is mandatory.
- Confidentiality of information must be respected and maintained.
Supplier Commitments to Ethical Standards:
i. Compliance with all laws, including ethical employment and trading regulations.
ii. Elimination of exploitative child labor, ensuring compliance with national laws.
iii. Employment is freely chosen, without the use of forced or compulsory labor.
iv. No discrimination is practised, and fair treatment is provided to all workers.
v. Freedom of association for workers to join or not join trade unions.
vi. Healthy and safe working conditions, complying with international standards and national laws.
vii. Appropriate wages are paid, meeting or exceeding national legal standards.
viii. Working hours must not be excessive, complying with national laws.
ix. Regular employment entitlements must be provided, and obligations to employees under labor or social security laws met.
x. Respect for the individual, prohibiting physical or verbal abuse or harassment.
Supplier Commitments to Environmental Standards:
i. Compliance with all environmental laws.
ii. Implementation of policies to reduce resource consumption and minimize waste.
iii. Promotion of environmentally sound disposal options for waste.
iv. Provision of environmental data and commitment to improvement.
Monitoring and Compliance:
- The Code is mandatory for working with MAPTO.
- MAPTO may conduct ad hoc assessments to ensure Code compliance.
- Suppliers are expected to provide training and guidelines to their people and uphold recognized standards.
- Production partners are encouraged to improve in areas of poor performance.
- MAPTO reserves the right to terminate contracts with non-compliant suppliers after collaborative efforts for correction.
- Immediate termination may occur if suppliers fail to meet commitments against corrupt practices.